Ed Talks 2019

Professional Development 

EdTalks: A Celebration of K-12 Education

Throughout the beginning of the semester, I continued to hear about the event the College of Education was putting on in October, but I didn’t really know what to expect. I had thought about going, and the learned that it would count as an event for the University Scholars program — which I am apart of. At that point, I was planning on attending, but then later learned it would count as a PD for Passport to Success, as a PGU, and as an event for College Ambassadors. The saying “I killed two birds with one stone” can really be seen here, except I killed four birds!

I was extremely impressed with the event as a whole; the speakers were all excellent, the performances were fantastic and the turnout was incredible! Throughout the event, I was tweeting and interacting with other members of the audience. You can see a screenshot of my twitter interactions during the event.

As seen in one of the tweets above, one of the speakers referred to a teacher that I had: Ms. Susan Letts. As the speaker began talking about her, I could immediately tell who he was referring to. I knew she had taught at Cary High School and I could tell by the way he described her teaching style and personality that he was referring to my 12th grade AP English Literature teacher. What a small world! How crazy is it that ten years later, Scott Reintgen would come back to NC State and speak so highly of a teacher I had just 2 short years ago. Ms. Letts continues to make significant impacts on her students which is just so inspiring.

I am really hoping that the College of Education continues this event over the years because I will most definitely attend and continue to value the messages the speakers share!
