
Hi! My name is Caitlin Burke and I am currently a junior at NC State University studying Elementary Education. In just two short years I will have my own classroom here in Wake County. This blog is primarily used for my ECI 201 course, but I hope to build upon that to establish my online presence as “Ms. Burke 919!” Throughout the website, you will find links to various assignments I completed in my ECI course.

ECI 201 is a course taught here at NC State:

Introduction to effective technology integration in teaching practices across the curriculum for pre-service teachers. Exploration of different technology-based tools commonly integrated in instruction, including desktop, Internet/ Web-based, mobile, and cloud applications. Examination of integration challenges using relevant, real-world examples from current teacher practices. Planning for student-centered, project- based lessons that make use of diverse technologies.

Make sure to connect with me on Twitter: @msburke919 or send me an email at cnburke@ncsu.edu!

Check out these pictures of me with some of my closest friends and family!